Flux and Colour Extenders

For Majolica and Special Effects

Walker Ceramics produce two specialist Extenders for use with our ranges of Cesco Underglazes, Design Colours and Wunder Colours. The Colour Extender is also suitable as a base when using any of the Potters Colours or other stains.

Transform your colour from opaque, flat colour to a semi-opaque, translucent or transparent colour application, over or under glazes, that will enable you to create wonderful water colour effects such as layered colours and colour-on-colour washes.

  •  Suitable for stoneware and earthenware
  •  Completely inter-mixable with Cesco Underglazes, Design Colours, Wunder Colours, Mason Stains or Potters Colours
  •  Great for economizing on colour usage.
  •  Perfect for production work
  •  Majolica made easy
  •  Provide beautiful flow characteristics
  • The more intense or opaque the colour, the more Flux Extender can be used without loss of colour quality.

Available in 50 mL, 100 mL, 500 mL, 1 litre, 5 litre and 10 litre containers.

Application & Techniques

Potters Colours and stains: Colour Extender replaces mediums, aids flow, allows colours to blend smoothly, prevents dry patches, bubbling and provides a tough surface – no dusting off or marking prior to firing.
Simply add up to 25 gm of stain to 50 mL of Colour Extender. Mix or mortar and pestle well. Sieve through 120 mesh sieve and apply.
Cesco Underglazes & Design Colours: Translucent to transparent colour can be created by increasing amounts of Colour Extender. For majolica effects use Flux Extender with Cesco Underglazes or Design Colours on top of raw glaze – they will not powder off prior to firing.
Add up to 25 mL per 50 mL of colour. Mix or mortar and pestle well. Sieve through 120 mesh sieve and apply.
Wunder Colours: Colour Extender creates softer, more translucent colour washes and water colour effects under glaze may be achieved by increasing amounts of Colour Extender.
Add up to 50 mL per 50 mL of colour. Mix or mortar and pestle well. Sieve through 120 mesh sieve and apply.


Never tried Walker Ceramics Flux and Colour Extenders with either Cesco Underglazes,Design Colours or Wunder Colours? Well? Read what Jackie Gasson from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland has to say about these products…

“A Base Medium For Every Application!Grainy, dry patches on your over-glaze colours? Stoneware surfaces that lose their glow? Or maybe it’s the vibrant colour on a lovely majolica tin glaze that escapes you? Well, not any more! Using a glazed tile or plate as my palette, I spoon a little Walker Ceramics Design Colour, Wunder Colour , Mason Stain or Potters Colour on to the surface. Instead of using water or Brushing Medium to thin it down, I add some Flux or Colour Extender.
A smooth flowing brush that doesn’t lift off the glaze. When the pieces come out of the kiln, there are no grainy sections, just smooth, unbroken surfaces with vibrant colour that make the surface complete. I have found these Flux Extenders work brilliantly with all of Walker Ceramics liquid and powdered colours; both under and over standard and commercial glazes and my own recipes.
They certainly make life easier for the busy potter!!”

–   Jackie Gasson